

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tomcat Alert

Tomcat Alert
Dr Madan M Vasandani
Family Physician, Centrepoint Healthcare

I am sure all of you have heard of the Tomcats that are affecting a big percentage of the Surabayan population. To be honest with you I did not know much about Tomcats until recently.  A Tomcat is a family of the Rove Beetle, an insect that has an ant like shape but it has a more elongated body with orange and black striations. When threatened, it raises its abdomen, in the manner of a scorpion. Its secretions are acidic in nature and when it comes in contact with human skin it causes a very itchy rash that looks like that of a Herpes infection.

The Tomcat secretes a fluid called Paedrin which can cause blisters 24 – 48 hours after contact. The blisters can be infectious through towels, clothes or other things that comes in contact with Paedrin. So far the effects of the fluid have only been reported in Surabaya. Due to the ever increasing commute between cities in Indonesia, the chances of seeing Tomcats in Jakarta are very high. Reports say that these insects do not fly. 

If you come in contact with a Tomcat, stay calm and don’t panic. DO NOT try to kill it or hit it.  This will cause the the toxin to come into contact with your skin which can lead to the typical herpes like rash. Also do not scratch it as this can spread the toxin to a wider area resulting in a more widespread rash. Instead, blow it away or take a plastic bag and allow these insects to enter on its own and dispose the plastic bag in a proper place. Wash immediately it with soap and water. Soap  is alkaline in nature while the toxin is acidic. By washing it with soap you are actually neutralizing the toxin. 

The authorities are saying that the best way to kill the insect is by using insecticides. The consequences of this is that insecticides damages the environment which will further lead to the extradition of the tomcats from its natural habitat. The best insecticide for killing the tomcats without damaging the environment is those that is non-chemical base. Here is how you can make non-chemical insecticides in the comfort of your own house
1. Neem leaves (daun mimba)
2. Galangal (lengkuas)
3. Lemon grass (daun serai)
Take equal portions of these ingredients and  mash it. Boil it in water (100 grms per litre of water) and heat it to 60 degrees. Leave it for 2 days.
You can spray this solution into the natural habitats of the Tomcats which is the moist and wet areas of your house.
    I hope this information regarding Tomcats is useful. Ensure that you keep your house and surrounding as dry and as clean as possible. These insects do not like to be in dry areas. Stay safe. If you have been exposed to a Tomcat or you have other Medical Condition, do not hesitate to make an appointment with our Centrepoint Healthcare physicians at 570-6208

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