

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Boost Your Memory

Boost Your Memory
Dr Madan M Vasandani

As we get older, we often feel like or memory is fading. There are so many things to remember and keep track of. Did you know the average person forgets 30 percent of what he has heard after 20 minutes and 50 percent of what he has heard after half an hour? There are lots of things that you can do to improve memory
  1. Do crossword puzzles, play sudoku or take up bridge. Games like these stimulate the mind, helping the brain grow neural pathways improving your mental ability
  2.  Aerobic Exercise. Physical activity rushes Oxygen to the brain and builds new cells in the brain region linked to memory. Exercise also makes you more alert and relaxed, and can thereby improve your memory uptake, allowing you to take better mental pictures.
  3. Repeat whatever you need to memorize when you first hear it. Saying it out loud helps lock it into your memory.
  4. Take Naps: Research has found that people who squeeze in a cat nap during the day retain twice as much of the information they learnt that day as those who do not nap.
  5. De-stress yourself by taking up yoga, meditation or deep breathing. When you are stressed the brain releases an enzyme that impairs short term memory
  6. Food to improve your memory
a.       Vegetables: Study shows that vegetables keep you sharp. The best vegetables for your memory are Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Broccoli, Rhubarb, leaks, Cauliflower and Egg plants.
b.      Phytochemicals: The phytocemicals Anthocyanin and Carotene improves your memory. Foods that contain Anthocyanines are Berries, grapes and cabbage. Those rich in Carotene are apples, onions, tomatoes and apricots
c.       Folic Acid: Folic acid is very important in neural function. It is important for the myelination of nerves. Food rich in folic acid are whole grain cereals, Lentils, Artichokes, Spinach and Brocolli
d.      Fish: Eating fish 1x/week produces a 10% slower decline in memory. If you are not a big fan of fish, try fish oil capsules. Fatty fish acids improve memory and decrease the chance of Alzheimer disease.
e.       Eat Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are converted to glucose which fuels our brain and can help with memory improvement

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