

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Change is Inevitable

Change is Inevitable
Dr Madan M Vasandani

The only constant thing in life is change. Situation, Business prospects, the weather and even health. To be prepared for change man have developed tools to ensure that we are ready for change. We have weather forecasts to warn us the change in weather, Projections and Indices to monitor changes in the Business world. Our health is trickier. As a person gets older the chances of getting diseases is higher. We are like cars. The chances of an old car to break down are more than that of a new car, but a new car is also not free of problems.

            The best way to predict changes in health is by doing a medical check up. If you are an adult more than 45 years of age, it is time for you to get a blueprint of your health. Many conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary artery Disease or even Cancer can be present in your body without causing any symptoms. These conditions when detected and treated early can be very advantageous. The advantages are
1. The risk of complications from various conditions is less if treated early.
2. Treating a condition at its early phase can be lighter on your pockets. Hence, a medical Check up is actually a very good investment.
3. It gives information to you regarding what you should or should not do to improve your health.
4. It provides information regarding the cause of your current symptoms

            A medical check up should consist of many things. A blood test to check your cholesterol and Glucose levels, Liver and Kidney function and also Tumor Markers. An ECG and Exercise ECG test to indirectly detect the presence of a blockage in the arteries of your heart. A chest x-ray to rule out the presence of abnormalities in the lungs and the heart. An Ultrasound of abdomen should be performed to rule out the presence of organ pathologies, organ enlargement, and abnormal growth in the abdominal region. Audiometry to rule out hearing abnormalities and Spirometry if you are a smoker to rule out Obstructive Lung Disease. Additional test like a Colonoscopy should also be performed if you are more than 55 years of age or a family history of Colon Cancer is present. For a Female a Breast USG and PAP smear is of prime importance

            In summary a medical check up is a very effective tool to rule out common conditions that might be present in you. A medical check up should be flexible enough to detect different conditions according to your personal history and family history. Detect Conditions before it is too late. It will give you a better chance to live the rest of your life in better Health and Wealth. Here at Centrepoint Healthcare we ensure a premium standard of Medical Check up that is catered for you. Contact us at 021 570 2608 to make an appointment for a medical check up

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