

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Realistic Resolutions

Realistic Resolutions

By :Dr Madan M Vasandani

The minute we step into December, it is natural for all of us to think ofresolutions for the New Year. Every human being has a desire to become better, to ridthe past that they want to forget and to embrace a future of their dreams. It is butnatural to want to improve our state of being.
The problem with resolutions is that sometimes we aim too high and we do not achieve our goals of the year. The old adage “Aim for the sky and you might reach the ceiling” should still ring in your ears. In terms of health, this adage is very valid as nowadays we need to always be in pristine health in order to do our daily activities.

Here are some health resolutions I think need to be on your resolution list:

1. Get Vaccinated - Vaccines prevent everything from the flu to cervical cancer. 
Ladies, did you know that a vaccine to prevent Cervical Cancer exists? If you know and you haven’t got the vaccine it is time to get it. This vaccine is for females between the ages of 12 to 25 years. Research proves that this vaccine prevents cervical cancer up to 98%. So what are you waiting for? Get the vaccine and be protected. 

Even if you aren't a candidate for the cervical cancer vaccine, in this fast paced life, nobody has the time to be down with the flu. The 2011-2012 flu vaccine is out. Get vaccinated to stay productive.

2. Get Moving – In everything that you do, make sure you move your body. 

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is “Exercise to lose weight”. Admit it, you are planning to put that in your list. The Merriam- Webster dictionary defines exercise as “bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness”. I do not see the word “gymnasium” in that definition. I have many friends who have signed up for a gym membership but never go. If you are one of those people who just doesn’t have the time to stop by at the gym and run on the treadmill then you should follow these simple but effective rules

a. Walk – walk all the time. In your office when you are thinking; to the restaurant; to the coffee shop; to your office... Just walk.
I was in Singapore a couple of months ago and I did not notice a single obese person. My opinion is that Singaporeans walk a lot, so Jakartans – start walking.

b. Cycle – When was the last time you took that bicycle that your mom and dad bought for you for your 17th birthday? I know what you must be thinking – “There is no space to cycle in Jakarta”. There is always space on a Sunday or even on a Saturday. Remember if there is a will there is always a way

c. Dance – Husbands it is time to take your wife dancing. Don’t just go out for dinner. Plan a dance night at least once a month. Not only does it help you burn calories but it also re-ignites your romantic fire. The only way to lose weight and maintain it is if you burn calories constantly and the only way to sustain this is by performing activities that you enjoy and is natural for you. So, find out what you like to do and do it. If you do something without burden, I am
sure you will be more successful at it

3. Get your diet right - One of Hippocrates's famous quotes “Let food be thy medicine” is the least understood and underused quotes in the world of medicine.
As a doctor when I prescribe a medicine, I ensure that the medicine is the correct one for the condition and I ensure the dose is correct for the condition and I also ensure that the medicine does not lead to any danger. You should treat food the same way. Remember “You are what you eat”. Eat the right food at the right amount and ensure the food you are eating does not lead to unwanted consequences in the future. Here is a simple formula that all should follow to stay healthy – Decrease carbohydrates by 50% and increase vegetables, fruits and protein consumption by 50%. This will balance out your calorie intake and it will help you stay full for longer periods of time

4. Get a Medical Check up done – If you are 40 years and above it is time for you to get a Medical Check Up. 
Going for a Medical Check Up is like sending your car for a routine service. Our body goes through a lot of challenges and everyday and it is bound to break down. Even the best of cars break down. Murphy’s law says “if something can go wrong, it will go wrong”. This is valid for our bodies as well. Get a Medical Check Up done, and find out which areas of your health needs to be tuned

I hope these resolutions will help you to have an awesome 2012. Always think prevention. As much as you can Prevent Disease and Also Prevent Complications. Stay healthy. Call Centrepoint Healthcare for an appointment at 5706208. Have a Happy New Year.

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