

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Strong Foundation

A Strong Foundation
Dr Madan M Vasandani

            One of the most common symptom a patient visits a doctor is low back pain. The pain affects a persons mood, well being and also his health. Most of the time this condition is ignored. When ignored it indirectly affects the person. A person limits his mobility and because of this he gains unnecessary pounds and this further worsens the pain. In reality low back pain is as a result of ones poor lifestyle. Some of the factors that increase the risk of back pain include smoking, obesity, physically strenuous work, sedentary lifestyle, a stressful job, job dissatisfaction, and psychological factors like anxiety or depression.
            Low back pain can have many causes. However, most people (>85%) have “non specific low back pain”, which is not caused by a specific disease or abnormality in the spine. Rarely back pain is caused by a potentially serious spinal condition, such as infection, fracture, or tumor, or a disorder called cauda equina syndrome which cause weakness and bowel or bladder dysfunction as well as back pain.

Back Pain and Work
            Factors that may contribute to low back pain at work include poor posture while sitting or standing, sitting or standing for long periods of time, driving long distances, improper lifting techniques, frequent lifting, or lifting excessively heavy loads. Low back pain is common among clerical workers who sit prolonged periods and in people whose job requires heavy lifting. Psychological factors in the work place like stress, job dissatisfaction, boredom can contribute to low back pain.

When to seek help?
Most people with low back pain should be managed by a primary care or family medicine provider. People who have any of the following should contact their health care provider for advice

  1. 70 yrs or older with new back pain
  2. Pain that does not go away
  3. Weakness in one or both legs, with bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction
  4. Back pain with unexplained weight loss or fever
  5. History of cancer or Osteoporosis
  6. Back pain as a result of falling or an accident.
  7. The pain spreads to the lower leg.
  8. If back pain does not improve within 4 weeks.

Tips to Prevent Low Back Pain
There are a number of ways to prevent low back pain from returning.
  1. Exercise and staying active. Regular exercise that improves cardiovascular fitness can be combined with specific exercises to strengthen the muscles of the hip and torso. The abdominal muscles are particularly important in supporting the lower back and preventing back pain
  2. Avoid activities that involve repetitive bending or twisting and high impact activities that increase stress in the spine
  3. Bend and lift correctly – Lifting should always be done with the knees bent and the abdominal muscles tightened to avoid straining the weaker muscles in the lower back
  4. Take a break- Change positions often, Readjust your office chair several times throughout the day to avoid sitting in the same position. Take brief frequent walks.

Visit Centrepointh Healthcare if you complain of back pain or any other health condition. Our qualified doctors will be more than happy to assist you to get you back to good health. For appointment call us at 021 570 6208


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