

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Tribute to All Fathers

A Tribute to all Fathers
Dr Madan M Vasandani

As a father of a 3 year old son, I realized that my body is not what it used to be when I was younger. Playing with my very energetic son is definitely a work out. Running from one end of the park to the other has become quite a challenge. As I sit down and catch my breath my mind started to roll back to the years when I was Fit and energetic. I had a “back to the future” moment and asked myself what happened to me. Life goes by so fast, but my body is getting older at a faster rate than my actual age. I am sure most men feel the same way. The pressures of life, long hours at work, the immense traffic conditions in Jakarta, pollution and our eating and social habits have aged our body at a faster rate than it should. This is a worrying thought as I cannot imagine what my body condition would be in ten years time. There are 4 aspects that a man should look at if he wants to get back to his good old days
1.      His Health
Becoming older is part of life. You cannot change your date of birth. Health is always an issue when a person gets older. Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Heart Conditions, Elevated Cholesterol levels, Back pain and many more makes its appearance once a male reaches his forties. Ensure that you visit your doctor to get these conditions sorted out. Make sure your numbers are well within normal limits to keep you going for many more years. If you are forty years and above and you have no idea of what is happening with your body then maybe it is time for a medical check up. A medical check up is the best and cheapest investment you can make for your health.

2.      His Feelings and Emotions
There is saying that goes like this “Joy, temperance, and repose slam the door on the doctor’s nose”. This is harder than it seems. But studies have proven that Depression decreases a mans age by more than 10 percent. Appreciating your mate by kissing her or complimenting her promotes good behavior and discourages bad ones in each other. Research suggests that being accountable for and to another person pushes both of you to live more responsible, productive, and satisfying lives, which translates to less depression, anxiety, and stress. Sex does not only feel good but it is actually good for you. Research suggests that men who have sex two or more times a week live longer than guys who have fewer. Other ways to add joy to your life are expand your social circle, keep stress in check and visit the doctor if you feel you have depression.

3.      His Diet
The famous opera singer Luciano Pavarotti once said “One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating”. Men make sure you follow these diet advice to ensure good health in the years to come – Have a healthy breakfast, Eat more grains – Make whole grains a bigger part of your diet by eating at least 6 servings a day of whole grain bread, cereal, rice and pasta, Have some fruit – At least 4 whole fruits a day, Vary your veggies – at least 5 serving a day, Eat more nuts – a handful of nuts a day, Go easy on the junk food, Keep red meat to a minimum and Start taking Vitamin D – This is a “live longer” super nutrient which will help make you younger.

4.      His Fitness
By now we all know that exercise is good for health. But like the most of us, we do not have the time to routinely exercise. It does not take a lot out of you to move. “Walking gets the feet moving, the blood moving, the mind moving. And movement is life.” Get to your feet and start walking. As much as possible walk. Walk when you are thinking, walk when you are answering the phone, walk to restaurant and walk back to your office. Body movement not only improves your health but it also boosts brain function, stimulates the release of mood-boosting stimulants, strengthens your heart and lungs, helps to get your digestive system moving and also builds muscle, increases flexibility, strengthens bones and relaxes tense muscles. Carve out at least 30 minutes a week for exercises that build muscle strength and endurance.

Men, your family needs you. They do not need a tired, deflated, upset you. They need you to be a rock. A rock is firm, a rock has shape and a rock is strong. Try your best to follow the 4 simple aspects of bringing back the old you. Remember “those who think they have no time to improve their health will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” If you think you need to improve your health call Centrepoint Healthcare (021) 570 6208 for an appointment with our doctors

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