

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Health into Ashes

Health into Ashes

            Do you realize that every time you dust away the ash from the tip of your cigarette you are also dusting away your health? Cigarette smoking is the world’s most common habit. Everybody knows the danger of smoking and yet they still smoke. It is a mind boggling idea. It is like when your mother tells you not to touch the hot pan because you might burn your hand. It’s the same thing here.
            The reason behind why people smoke are plenty. Young people smoke to look more mature, to be like friends and to experiment. Adults smoke for other reasons mainly stress, economic and personal reasons. Finally, there are people who say they love to smoke. Smoking gives them pleasure. It just makes them feel good. All these reasons allow a person to forget about the dangers of smoking. The warnings on the boxes, increasing price of cigarette or the government by imposing no smoking laws has not shunned people away from smoking. The only way for smokers to stop smoking is by them truly realizing the health hazards that it causes.
            Here is a table to show you the likelihood of getting various conditions for a smoker and passive smoker:

Passive smoking
Lung Cancer
Larynx cancer
Heart Attack
Emphysema and Bronchitis

            Ninety percent of smokers in Indonesia smoke Kretek. Kretek are cigarettes made with a blend of tobacco, cloves and other flavors. These cigarettes contain a significantly higher quantity of tar and nicotine, 25 mg and 1.6 mg respectively. Because of this the chances of getting the above conditions are higher in Indonesia. Moreover, the eugenol in clove smoke causes a numbing of the throat which can diminish the gag reflex in users, leading researchers to recommend caution for individuals with respiratory infections. There have also been a few cases of aspiration pneumonia in individuals with normal respiratory tracts possibly because of the diminished gag reflex.

How can I break the habit?
If you are convinced that smoking carries more hazards than pleasure then it is time for you to stop. The good news is that there are ways to stop smoking. Pharmaceutical companies have come up with various drugs that can break the habit. These drugs are effective and also safe and contain no nicotine. It works by acting on the same receptors as nicotine, helping reduce your urge to smoke. Nicotine patches are also available in the market. The most recent is the use of Laser to stop smoking. Laser therapy is safe and pain free. A soft laser beam, applied to specific energy points of your body, stimulates the body’s production of endorphins and dopamine which are natural body chemicals that have a calming, and relaxing effect, hence relieves those cravings as well as helping with stress reduction and lung detoxification. All these ways to stop smoking are available in Centrepoint Healthcare .
            All these ways of breaking the habit will not work unless there is an initiative from the smoker to stop. It is time for you stop smoking and realize the damage that it is causing. It is hazardous to you and for people around you. For us who do not smoke, it is time for us to make a stand against smoking in public places and our house.

Feel the difference
20 minutes after quitting à Blood pressure drops to a level close to that before the last cigarette.
8 hours after quitting à Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide levels in your blood have halved.
48 hours after quitting à No nicotine is left in the body and the sense of taste and smell improve
2 weeks to 3 months after quitting à Circulation improves and lung function increases by 30%
1 year after quitting à excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of smokers

            The prospect of better health should be a major reason for quitting. If you have good health you have everything. So take this step and enjoy the benefits

By: Dr Madan M Vasandani

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